I need to create an intermediate service which will contain Notification Hub and Service Bus messaging logic. This intermediate service will interact with my Web API and other service like transaction monitor service, payment service. The only work to service bus messaging is to sent / receive a message in many to many fashion. For Example: One user swipes his card and amount is deducted from his account. While swiping card, a message will be sent to service bus messaging service then this service will return message to notify the user for deduction. So there are many scenario like this where a user specific message is sent / receive from Service bus messaging service. So my question is that what type of Service Bus Messaging Service is required for such scenario ? Also this message will be user specific as well, meaning to say message will be stored in a fashion that it must be received by actual recipient.
Another question is that how I can use Notification Hub in this scenario ? Notification will be logged into Hub and will sent to users mobile directly without any intermediate service interfacing.
Kindly let me know your answers ASAP and provide some code samples or links to clarify over this.