While the MSDN documentation doesn't directly call out that you cannot use a Topic with Partitioning enabled, posts like this one (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/0496dd6a-e6b2-4b63-81c1-56b2ac537f72/the-error-the-operation-is-not-supported-for-an-entity-with-partitioning-enabled?forum=servbus)
as well as error messages in Service Bus Explorer via the Exception Message, indicate it is true. I would like clarifying or more concrete documentation on this behavior as I have found it confusing. When I create a Topic and enabled Partitions, using Service
Bus Explorer, I cannot create a Subscription with a Filter other than 1=1. Using Powershell, if I try to create a Filtered Subscription (SqlFilter) I also get that same error message. If I use Powershell to mark EnablePartitioning=False, it still shows as
True in Service Bus Explorer however I can then add a Filtered Subscription which seems to be working just fine. Can anyone help to add color to this topic?