I am having issues with powerBI ,seems the automatic refresh its failing ,i currently have to click refresh to see new data coming in ,i have configure the the tumblingwindow part e.gtumblingwindow(second,3) are the any other settings/factors i have to set for the automatic refresh to work.(its a console app that selects data from database and sends each row to event hubs from event hubs to stream analytics then output
is powerBi )
i am assuming the below code(e.g) could be the issue since we are using DynamicTableEntity which has limitation because its notserializable, so the part below becomes a bit off as its accepting a serializable entity but since we are still getting new data when we click refresh,then probably the are some factors we are missing when it comes to automatic refresh.
//you send events to eventhub by creating EventData Instance (send via send methos )
EventData data = new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedobjects))
//Using a partition key ensures that all the events with the same key are sent to the same partition in the Event Hub
PartitionKey = TransNumber.ToString()
// you can use Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes() to retrieve the byte array for a JSON-encoded string.
//send method that takes single EventData instance parameter and synchronously sends it to an Event Hub
eventHubClient.Send(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedobjects)));