I'm trying to run the sample apps associated with the iot hub client. My current task is to get the client sample to work with amqp and then again with amqp/websockets. I'm trying to do this on Windows using C in Visual Studio.
I've followed the steps for pre-requisites and the build process described in the readme files. Everything compiles fine. But when I run the app I see:
IoT Hub SDK for C, version 1.0.1
IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync accepted data for transmission to IoT Hub.
But the confirmation callback routine is never called and after 30 seconds or so I see:
Error: Time:Tue Mar 8 16:45:29 2016 File:C:\Source\IoT\azure-iot-sdks\c\iothub_
client\src\iothubtransportamqp.c Func:_IoTHubTransportAMQP_DoWork Line:1142 AMQP
transport authentication timed out.
-> [CLOSE]* {}
I have a device created and am certain that the connection string is correct. I've compiled and run the AMQP IoT Hub Client for both Java and C#. Both of those run successfully. I've also run the HTTP IoT Hub Client for C and it runs successfully for me.
Is it possible that there's a setup step I've missed? It seems like there's a lot of activity on the GitHub for this project - is it possible I jumped in at the wrong time?
Thanks for any help you can provide.