Got a bunch of questions regarding Azure IoT Hub, if anyone can help me.
1. I'm trying to read device-to-cloud messages; I've already browsed through the useful samples presented here:
However, I need to do so from code running from within the browser.
Question: do you know if this is possible at all ? My current understanding is that it's not possible, but I'm trying to make sure.
2. Regarding IoT REST APIs described here:
I've noticed instructions on how to "Receive a cloud-to-device message", but there seems to be no instructions on how to Receive a device-to-cloud message (for example, as described here: azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/iot-hub-node-node-getstarted/#receive-device-to-cloud-messages)
My question is : are these two operations indeed different (i.e. receiving cloud-to-device messages and receiving device-to-cloud messages) ?
If they are indeed different, should I understand that the REST APIs are currently not capable to read/receive device-to-cloud messages ?
Kind regards,