I'm developing two WebJobs for azure: One which will be putting messages in the Service Bus Queue using a topic and another which is subscribed to the ServiceBusTrigger using the same topic.
The messages are sent to the service bus queue correctly but when run the WebJob subscribed to the ServiceBusTrigger those messages are not being processed in FIFO basis.
The code for the WebJob which puts messages in the service bus queue is the following:
NamespaceManager namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.Create(); // Delete if exists if (namespaceManager.TopicExists("SampleTopic")) { namespaceManager.DeleteTopic("SampleTopic"); } TopicDescription td = new TopicDescription("SampleTopic"); td.SupportOrdering = true; TopicDescription myTopic = namespaceManager.CreateTopic(td); SubscriptionDescription myAuditSubscription = namespaceManager.CreateSubscription(myTopic.Path, "ImporterSubscription"); TopicClient topicClient = TopicClient.Create("SampleTopic"); for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { var message = new BrokeredMessage("message"+i); topicClient.Send(message); } topicClient.Close();
The WebJob which is subscribed to the service bus trigger has the following code:
namespace HO.Importer.Azure.WebJob.TGZProcessor { public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration(); config.UseServiceBus(); JobHost host = new JobHost(config); host.RunAndBlock(); } public static void WriteLog([ServiceBusTrigger("SampleTopic", "ImporterSubscription")] string message, TextWriter logger) { Console.WriteLine(message)); } } }
How can I achieve to process the messages from the queue as FIFO?
Thanks in advance!