Hi. I'm having an immediate timeout issue when subscribing to a service bus queue.
I've posted the details on Stackoverflow. Unfortunately, I can't post links here, as my account needs verifying. So here's the path part of the Stackoverflow URI ...
In a Twitter converstation, the Azure Support team said to create a post here about it.
In the above Stackoverflow question, someone answered saying you could use the tracking id from the exception, so I'll include it here incase it helps ...
Do you know why this would be timing out straight away?
Thank you for your help,
I've posted the details on Stackoverflow. Unfortunately, I can't post links here, as my account needs verifying. So here's the path part of the Stackoverflow URI ...
In a Twitter converstation, the Azure Support team said to create a post here about it.
In the above Stackoverflow question, someone answered saying you could use the tracking id from the exception, so I'll include it here incase it helps ...
Do you know why this would be timing out straight away?
Thank you for your help,