I started seeing timeouts yesterday, when communicating from a web app to service bus. My setup is a web app with an API endpoint, doing nothing else that getting a message count on a service bus subscription. The following screenshot show a graph of requests from Pingdom, executed again my API endpoint in the last 7 days. As you can see, problems started yesterday at some time.
I know that the rest of the API works, since I don't see any issues with the other endpoints I'm monitoring. And the weird thing is, that it switches from timing out to working to timing out to working etc.
I switched to a duplicated setup I have running in Europe and everything runs smooth there. I must admit, that I'm frustrated with service bus right now. This is the third major problem I've had with it in a month. I know that I'm on a shared plan, but a shared plan that doesn't work 3 times in a month, isn't really usable for anything. The real problem here is, that the Azure status dashboard have been green all three times and I get the usual "we are not aware of any problems right now" when contacting support.