I have had this event hub up for months. For some reason today it started receiving events from Blob storage which is configured to capture the Event Hub messages.
The Event Hub listener started dying from receiving poison messages. These look like Event Grid Messages.
[{"topic": "/subscriptions/dadsdaddasddsfadsddfdfasdsadfad69f3d24f/resourcegroups/BogusResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/boguseventhub",
"subject": "bogusservice",
"eventType": "Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated",
"eventTime": "2018-06-06T22:28:51.4732946Z",
"id": "dadafdadfasdadfagadsfasd",
"data": {
"fileUrl": "https://bogusstorage.blob.core.windows.net/bogusservicebackup/boguseventhub/bogusservice/4/2018/06/06/22/23/51.avro",
"fileType": "AzureBlockBlob",
"partitionId": "4",
"sizeInBytes": 2681,
"eventCount": 3,
"firstSequenceNumber": 1308,
"lastSequenceNumber": 1310,
"firstEnqueueTime": "2018-06-06T22:28:50.348Z",
"lastEnqueueTime": "2018-06-06T22:28:51.27Z"
"dataVersion": "1",
"metadataVersion": "1"
I know I did not configure this. This one Event Hub is receive capture events from more than 1 capture location / blob container.
Is it possible another person configured this? Yes that is possible.
However, I need to know how to turn this off.