We are trying to send the message into the service bus by using the CRM custom workflow but it is returning a physical crash by giving the error message i.e. the Sync workflow 'Workflow name' terminated with error 'Unexpected exception from <g class="gr_ gr_13 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="13" id="13">plug-in</g> (Execute): ServiceBus_Workflows<g class="gr_ gr_17 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Style replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="17" id="17">.Workflow</g> name: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.'
Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this error?
OR is there any other way to do the same thing?
We are trying to send the message into the service bus by using the CRM custom workflow but it is returning a physical crash by giving the error message i.e. the Sync workflow 'Workflow name' terminated with error 'Unexpected exception from <g class="gr_ gr_13 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="13" id="13">plug-in</g> (Execute): ServiceBus_Workflows<g class="gr_ gr_17 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Style replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="17" id="17">.Workflow</g> name: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.'
Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this error?
OR is there any other way to do the same thing?
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