I am following this tutorial- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-python-get-started-send
to send events to my event hub using Python
The connection string of my Event Hub namespace is in the following format
So, in the above mentioned tutorial, I have replaced tutorial I replaced
ADDRESS with"amqps://mynamespace.servicebus.windows.net/<myeventhub>" User="RootManageSharedAccessKey" KEY="<AcessKeyvalue>"
But everytime , I run into errors with the line client.run
'eventhub.pysdk-ANumber': All clients failed to start.
azure.eventhub.common.EventHubError: Unable to open authentication session on connection b'EHSender-anumber-partition0'.
Please confirm target hostname exists: b'eventhubnamespacename.servicebus.windows.net'
I have even tried replacing amqps with sb (as is actually in the connection string but the same error)
Where am I going wrong?