I am getting the error:
40103: Invalid authorization token signature, Resource:sb://dtl-row2-sb-westeurope.servicebus.windows.net/row2-uksouth-operationjobs4. TrackingId:27876b41-b5ad-49c2-8eea-df87ceb6c773_G22, SystemTracker:dtl-row2-sb-westeurope.servicebus.windows.net:row2-uksouth-OperationJobs4, Timestamp:2020-01-10T22:36:30
Classroom labs is also failing to start VMs. I tried performing starting of the VMs from different computers and restarting my computer and it's still not working.
This seems to me like a backend issue in Azure but is there something different I could be doing to fix this on my end?
There was no Forum for Azure VMs or Lab Services so I picked Service Bus since I saw some other answers on social.msdn referring to Service Bus.