I am trying to access `Azure Service Bus` `Queue` from my `Windows Service` application.
I am following [this](https://github.com/Azure/azure-service-bus/blob/master/samples/DotNet/Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging/RoleBasedAccessControl/Program.cs) sample.
I want to protect this `Azure Service Bus` using `Azure Service Principal` Below are the steps I have implemented
1. Register an application named `pc-shutdown-producer` in `Azure Ad`
representing my `Windows Service`
2. I have created my Azure `service bus namespace` named `shutdowncomputer`
3. Inside `Access control (IAM)`, I have added `Role Assignment` with below values
- Role - `Azure Service Bus Data Owner`
- Assign access to - `pc-shutdown-producer`
As per my knowledge above configuration will let `pc-shutdown-producer` application to manage all the resources in the servicebus namespace.
4. Apart from this, I have also provided `pc-shutdown-producer` delegated API Permissions to access the service bus namespace.
Below is my C# code.
public async Task Init() { string authority = $"https://login.windows.net/{TenantId}"; ITokenProvider tokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateAzureActiveDirectoryTokenProvider(AuthenticationCallback, authority); var endpoint = new Uri($"sb://shutdowncomputer.servicebus.windows.net/"); var entityPath = "shutdownrequest"; var qc = new QueueClient(endpoint.ToString(), entityPath, tokenProvider); Message m = new Message(); m.Body = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("{id: 1, name: 'hemant'}"); m.ContentType = "application/json"; try { await qc.SendAsync(m); } catch (Exception ex) { //I am getting exception here. //Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. throw ex; } } private async Task<string> AuthenticationCallback(string audience, string authority, object state) { string accessToken = string.Empty; IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(AppId) .WithAuthority(authority) .WithClientSecret(Password) .Build(); var serviceBusAudience = new Uri("https://servicebus.azure.net"); List<string> claims = new List<string>(); claims.Add($"{serviceBusAudience}/.default"); try { var result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(claims.ToArray()).ExecuteAsync(); accessToken = result.AccessToken; } catch (Exception ex) { //No issue here. Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } //Successfully able to retrieve a token. return accessToken ; }
Upon executing `Init()` , I am getting below exception message.
`Unauthorized access. 'Send' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. Resource: 'sb://shutdowncomputer.servicebus.windows.net/shutdownrequest'. TrackingId:52c0eedcf19d4513a8ec105943859764_G12, SystemTracker:gateway7, Timestamp:2020-05-11T06:59:01`
Regards, Hemant Shelar