Hi All
I've been developing a proof of concept application using Azure Service Bus for a customer. It's working as expected so far, but I have some issues understanding how to make it scale.
Lets take the following code, which is a modified versión of the one created with an Azure Sevice Worker Role Project:
public override void Run() { Trace.WriteLine("Starting processing of messages"); //Initiates the message pump and callback is invoked for each message that is received, calling close on the client will stop the pump. hotelAddRequestClient.OnMessage((receivedMessage) => { try { // Process the message Trace.WriteLine("Processing Service Bus message: " + receivedMessage.SequenceNumber.ToString()); ProcessHotelAddRequest(receivedMessage); } catch(Exception ex) { Trace.Write("Exception catched processing message"); // Handle any message processing specific exceptions here } }); CompletedEvent.WaitOne(); }
Its quite simple: register the event to execute for every message, wait until the application stops. hotelAddRequestClient is a QueueClient.
Now the questions:
- How many threads are executing this code?
- Does every QueueClient create its own thread for processing of its incoming messages?
- Do I need to create a thread pool (every thread with its QueueClient object) if I want to be able to process more tan 1 message concurrently, or is the runtime automatically doing the job for me?
- Whats the difference between using OnMessage and OnMessageAsync events, if there is only 1 thread executing the code?
I'm an old school developer and used to create threads or thread pools to parallelize processes. Here, I cant see where are the threads that are procesing the messages.
Best regards