I am using Service Bus for Windows Server 1.1. I have a set of web services and a windows service (the client). The client is asking the web service for some information. The web service will deliver the information some time later via a service bus queue. My question is regarding the QueueClient.Receive(...) method.
When I call QueueClient.Receive(Timespan) I presume it is keeping a channel open on the SB. Which according to here is good for lowering the client latency but bad for the server scalability.
I know there is the Polling Consumer pattern but that is the opposite, good for scalability, bad for latency.
Is there anything build in to the ServiceBus client assemblies that will basically give me the Event-Driven consumer?
If the answer is no, would anyone recommend using SignalR as the event source and then call Receive from the client when the event is fired? I need low latency!!
Thanks everyone.