Scenario : The existing solution
1. Client (mobile device) downloads uri from configuration server
2. Client forms a JSON payload.
3. Client will do a https post to the uri downloaded from the Configuration server(CA certificates installed). The uri is a load balancer which forwards the request to Queue. Downstream systems consume the JSON payload.
Constraints: In the above scenario nothing can be changed on the client side!
My Azure Solution
I am trying to implement a solution in Azure using service bus queue. i.e I want the client(mobile device) to do a HTTPS post to the service bus Queue.
Azure Service bus allows authorization only using Token mechanism(ACS or SAS). But given my constraint on the client side I am unable to post to the SBrest API endpoint!. Meaning my client cannot send a ACS request get a token and then connect to the serivice using the token. I cannot create a SAS token and use it because I have no control over the client header. I only can change the URI in the configuration server to the REST endpoint. But it will fail with authetication
What are my options.? What support does AZURE SB provide for my scenario.
Please note I was perfectly able to create a SAS token for my Policy and post a sample pay load to the queue using a mozila REST client in the web browser.