I'm registering a WCF service endpoint on the Windows Azure Service Bus using the NetTcpRelayBinding.
Now I want to monitor the connection state to the Windows Azure Service Bus with help of the Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionStatusBehavior [1]. Based on the description in the "Remarks"-section I expected to receive events every time the connection
is lost and reestablished - i.e. the Connecting-Event when the connection was lost and the channels trying to reconnect and the Online-Event after successfully reestablishing the connection.
The problem: I only receive the Online-Event once after a connection to the Service Bus has been established for the first time. After that I only receive the Connecting-Event every time the connection is lost (I disabled the network adapter to cause the disconnect).
Hopefully someone with more knowledge can point me in the right direction!
I use the following code to (programmatically) set up the ServiceHost:
class Program { const string Namespace = "**********"; const string SharedAccessKeyName = "RootManageSharedAccessKey"; const string SharedAccessKey = "**********"; static readonly TokenProvider TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(SharedAccessKeyName, SharedAccessKey); static void Main() { var sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(MessageService)); sh.Faulted += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("ServiceHost faulted"); // add service endpoint var address = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", Namespace, "servicepath123"); var binding = new NetTcpRelayBinding(EndToEndSecurityMode.Transport, RelayClientAuthenticationType.None); var endpoint = sh.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMessageService), binding, address); // add endpoint behaviors endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior(TokenProvider)); var connectionStatusBehavior = new ConnectionStatusBehavior(); connectionStatusBehavior.Connecting += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Connecting"); connectionStatusBehavior.Online += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Online"); connectionStatusBehavior.Offline += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine("Offline"); endpoint.Behaviors.Add(connectionStatusBehavior); sh.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close"); Console.ReadLine(); sh.Close(); } }