I'm currently doing some tests on Service Bus for Windows Server, and I'm using theEnqueuedTimeUtc property of the BrokeredMessage class for some performance tests (to calculate whether how much of the overhead is from Service Bus and how much of it is from my application code).
In the configuration of the topics and queues, I set up auto-forwarding to automatically forward messages from a subscription to a queue.
To correctly interpret the measurements, I have to know whether EnqueuedTimeUtc on aBrokeredMessage represents the time that the original message was sent, or if it represents the time that the messages was forwarded to the queue.
Which is it? The original enqueue time on the topic, or the second enqueue on the queue?
In the configuration of the topics and queues, I set up auto-forwarding to automatically forward messages from a subscription to a queue.
To correctly interpret the measurements, I have to know whether EnqueuedTimeUtc on aBrokeredMessage represents the time that the original message was sent, or if it represents the time that the messages was forwarded to the queue.
Which is it? The original enqueue time on the topic, or the second enqueue on the queue?