I have implemented service bus and has encountered with few queries. Could some one help me in answering them
1. As per the recommendation from Microsoft, for Highly Available architecture for Service Bus, it requires three servers. (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj193012.aspx). But nowhere we could find the justification for the same.Why can't we have the same achieved using 2 servers. Even in that case also, if one of the server crashes, there is still one to handle the requests though in a degraded form.
2. Also the documentation from Microsoft talks about load balancing by Service Bus Client, with the connection string containing the reference to the three servers, and thus the client having the logic of round robin'ing the request to all the three end points. Can't the same be achieved using a load balancer in front of the 3-node farm? This link does mention that (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b60148ed-3605-4cc8-b37b-7ae4c569de83/service-bus-for-windows-server-11-highavailability-need-a-loadbalancer-?forum=servbus).
Could some one clarify my doubts please...
Thanks & Regards Tejaswi Chandrapatla