I saw several Microsoft presentations where Service Bus as Cloud Gatewey Project Reykjavik is mentioned.
I'm a little but confused about the following:
Service Bus as a Cloud Gateway
- Each device gets a dedicated Inbox/Outbox “queue” on the Gateway
- Outbox: Telemetry, alerts and service invocations
- Inbox: commands and queries
Now when looking at the setup of Azure Service Topics & Subscription I see:
Ingestion topics (or ingress) named as in0000, in0001, etc. [The ingestion topics are for incoming telemetry data]
Command topics (or egress) named as out0000, out0002, etc. [The command topics for sending commands to devices]
So to my understanding the latter naming is the opposite of what is described earlier. How should I interpret this?
By the way is project Reykjavik something that never become available publicly (with other words remains something for Microsoft targeted organisations)?