I'm using shared signatures to Post events with HTTP to the event hub.
For instance I post to
Authorization: SharedAccessSignature sr=sb%3a%2f%2fcommandhub.servicebus.windows.net%2frmmdevices%2fpublishers%2fcdf35a34-f2c8-4562-a3ab-b18d5e6100e3&sig=ZI9S0Fn7XCboEF55jqbhH3bVq%2bKX2pBGzyvOHeC8flI%3d&se=1432203732&skn=***hidden***
Now I found out that changing the Publisher will make the signature invalid (that's great) so the following will not work with the SAME signature
workes and this is not so good as it takes away the possibility to block publishers from publishing. (They can just add some data to there name and reuse the still valid signature.)
Is this a BUG or a FEATURE?
Documentation states at (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn170477.aspx):
A SAS token is valid for all resources under the <resourceURI> used in the string-to-sign.
is a substring but not a parent ressource of
Dan Danneberg