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When I call MessagingFactory.CreateQueueClient from a C# project, running the code from my local machine, it takes 20+ seconds to complete. Is that normal behavior?

(this is an Azure Service Bus, not windows - couldn't find a dedicated forum for that)

Kind regards


Unable to upload APNS Certificate in Notification Hub configuration


After generating a .p12 file from my keychain (following the recommended steps here: ), I upload it to the notification hub configuration and get the following error message:

SubCode=40000. Failed to validate credentials with APNS. Error is A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception...TrackingId:4d464cd9-06e7-84af-a3b3-193de4fd619c_M0_G25,TimeStamp:3/25/2014 9:16:28 PM

The odd thing is that I successfully uploaded this certificate last week and had my apple push notifications working! Then as I tried to configure the google notifications in the azure portal, it started complaining about the Apple cert (even though it hadn't changed!)

So two questions:

1) Any ideas what is going on here? 

2) Any pointers on where to look up the inner exception details?



1) I have a WCF project hosted on IIS .

2)option autostart enable(not work)

My Systems

IIS 8 Self fabric 1.1 VS 2013

<service name="Nobre.Service.RelayService"><endpoint address="https://nobre-queue-test.servicebus.windows.net/servicerelay/"
                  binding="basicHttpRelayBinding" bindingConfiguration="HttpRelayEndpointConfig"
                  name="RelayEndpoint" contract="Nobre.Domain.IRelayService" /></service></services><bindings><basicHttpRelayBinding><binding name="HttpRelayEndpointConfig"><security mode="None" relayClientAuthenticationType="None" /></binding></basicHttpRelayBinding><basicHttpBinding><binding name="http"><security mode="None"><transport clientCredentialType="None" /></security></binding><binding name="https"><security mode="Transport"><transport clientCredentialType="None" /></security></binding><binding name="RelayEndpoint" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"><security mode="None" /></binding></basicHttpBinding></bindings><behaviors><endpointBehaviors><behavior name="sharedSecretClientCredentials"><serviceRegistrySettings discoveryMode="Public" displayName="ServiceRelay" /><transportClientEndpointBehavior><tokenProvider><sharedAccessSignature keyName="RootManageSharedAccessKey" key="CHAVE" /></tokenProvider></transportClientEndpointBehavior></behavior></endpointBehaviors><serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="false" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="false" />
Projeto de Testapp.config  <client><endpoint name="RelayEndpoint"
                binding="basicHttpRelayBinding" /></client><behaviors><endpointBehaviors><behavior name="sharedSecretClientCredentials"><transportClientEndpointBehavior><tokenProvider><sharedAccessSignature keyName="RootManageSharedAccessKey" key="+CHAVE=" /></tokenProvider></transportClientEndpointBehavior></behavior></endpointBehaviors></behaviors>
var cf = new ChannelFactory<IRelayService>("RelayEndpoint");
var ch = cf.CreateChannel() ;

string result = ch.DoWork("hello");

Error {"There was no endpoint listening at https://nobre-queue-test.servicebus.windows.net/ServiceRelay/ that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details."}{"The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."}

After request browser

Durable Client Side Queue using Service Bus for Windows Server AND Service Bus Azure


I'm curious what it would take to build a durable client side message queue solution using Service Bus for Windows Server AND Service Bus Azure. At a high level, what I (think I) want is to use Service Bus for Windows Server to process and/or contain any failed messages if ever connectivity is lost between my site and Azure (internet outage.) When connectivity is restored the Message Bus on Windows Server would offload it's collection to Azure for processing. (I have multiple sites connected to the Azure Message Bus which is why I cannot simply use the OnPrem solution as a simple pure fail-over)

How would you guys implement this? I've seen the concept of Federated Messaging in other frameworks but it doesn't seem that Azure supports it. I've looked into using the Azure auto forwarding too, but it seems that, because my OnPrem and Azure Services Buses are on different namespaces, that would probably not work.

The last thing I can think of, which I'm about to try, is to hand code the agents that will perform the error checking, holding and messaging, but I wanted to see what the community had to say about this.



How to Monitor Azure ServiceBus DeadLetter Queue Messages


We have an Azure Service Bus which has multiple queues and we would like to get monitoring and alerts setup on the DeadLetter Queue Messages so that an action can be taken on them.

I understand that this feature was not available earlier and was planned later. Is this implemented now?

Any pointers would be helpful.



Need to know which service bus messaging service I should use



I need to create an intermediate service which will contain Notification Hub and Service Bus messaging logic. This intermediate service will interact with my Web API and other service like transaction monitor service, payment service. The only work to service bus messaging is to sent / receive a message in many to many fashion. For Example: One user swipes his card and amount is deducted from his account. While swiping card, a message will be sent to service bus messaging service then this service will return message to notify the user for deduction. So there are many scenario like this where a user specific message is sent / receive from Service bus messaging service. So my question is that what type of Service Bus Messaging Service is required for such scenario ? Also this message will be user specific as well, meaning to say message will be stored in a fashion that it must be received by actual recipient.

Another question is that how I can use Notification Hub in this scenario ? Notification will be logged into Hub and will sent to users mobile directly without any intermediate service interfacing.

Kindly let me know your answers ASAP and provide some code samples or links to clarify over this.



Send XML Data File using Service Bus



I am very new to Service Bus; I understand the concept of sending and receiving messages, but would like to know if it is possible to send a data file (a potentially very large XML file) as an attachment (or body) in a message?

If it is possible, are there any existing examples available (I've tried Google - but its been a bit fruitless so far).

Kind Regards


Service Bus for Windows Server


我在开发Service Bus for Windows Server过程中遇到一些问题,Jessica Lu让我联系你。

我按照(https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn282152(v=azure.10).aspx)的介绍配置了一台Windows Server 2012的机器搭建了Service Bus for Windows Server环境,并且使用(Get-SBAutoGeneratedCA)命令用powershellWindows Server 2012机器上生成了证书文件。

我将证书文件拷贝到我的客户端机器(Windows 7企业中文版),安装到了“受信任的根证书颁发机构”节点下。


这个代码我在Server2012的机器上测试通过。但是我在Win7的机器上测试(我将ServerFQDN修改为Server 2012的机器名),QueueExistsDeleteQueueCreateQueue操作也没有问题,但是使用myQueueClient.Send以及myQueueClient.Receive操作时提示“X.509 证书CN=*****.*****.corp.microsoft.com 不在被信任的人的存储中。 X.509 certificate CN=*****.*****.corp.microsoft.com链生成失败。所使用的证书具有无法验证的信任链。请替换该证书或更改 certificateValidationMode。无法验证证书的签名。

我想这不应该是Server2012机器防火墙端口的问题,尽管我以防万一特意将9002-9004 9354-9356outin端口都打开了。我能够确认我的OS2012的虚拟机和Win7的机器是在同一个域中的。

Azure ServiceBus Dynamic activation like MSMQ


I am a beginner with Azure service bus so please excuse my ignorance with the subject.

We have an existing application that uses MSMQ and WCF Service to receive messages from the queue and process them. The WCF service is configured as a WAS service in IIS and uses msmqIntegrationBinding binding. The service is called automatically when a message is sent to the queue.

Now we need to implement the same using Azure Service Bus as part of transition to the cloud.

Is it possible to have MSMQ like activation with Azure Service bus ?

If so, then how? If not, then do I need to write a windows listener or equivalent to continuously poll the queue for incoming messages and process them?

AMQP Interoperability with Service Bus is dependent on TransportType - .NET Client vs. Proton-C


I have found a really strange behavior in the Service Bus interoperability implementation.

I am sending data from a .net client  (WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 2.7.3) to Proton-C Clients on various platforms (Win32, Linux, ...)

For the sake of simplicity I decided to use AMQP map format.

According to the table under the following MSDN article the .NET DataType IDictionary is mapped to AMQP map. 



 var brokeredMessages =
                    pointEvents.Select(pointEvent => new BrokeredMessage((IDictionary) pointEvent.AsDictionary())
                        MessageId = pointEvent.Id.ToString()

This is correctly mapped to AMQP MAP and can be deserialized on the Proton-C side with


const char * format = pn_message_get_content_type(message);
				pn_data_t *body = pn_message_body(message);
				pn_type_t type =  pn_data_type(body);
				size_t mapsize = pn_data_get_map(body);

the message type in the body is PN_MAP(25) as long as .NET client uses TransportType=Amqp in connection string.

If the .NET client however switches the TransportType to NetMessaging (as I wanted to do because of some firewall issues)  the message body is serialized as PN_BINARY(19) instead.

The .NET library implies that AMQP is just a transport type, but it has actually a significant impact on the semantic of the communication.

I guess one might argue that you have to use AMQP Transport to have AMQP serialization, but I think this is at least an API design problem if not a straight forward bug....

quickclient.Peekbatch returns less number of messages than queue count



I have any azure service bus which posts messages to my database. I want to investigate DeadLetter messages in Bus. for this I am using Service Bus explorer and using QuickClient.PeekBatch, I am getting only 60 records, even actual DeadLetter Count is 1000. size of the each message is some 2700KB. Could any one help and share some thoughts to get all Dead Letter messages ?

if this is due to size of message, then help me how to increase the batch size of batch.

var messageEnumerable = queueClient.PeekBatch(count);

Get signed SAML-token when using passive federation on Azure Web App


I currently have an on-prem application which allows users to connect to it through the Azure Service Bus Relay (ADFS, STS, ACS).

The signed SAML token is used to validate the user, and create the user-context in the on-prem application.

Is it possible to get the signed SAML-token on an Azure Web App using passive federation, and pass it through the Azure Service Bus Relay?

Does Service Bus REST API supports verb tunneling?



I'm calling the Service Bus REST API to get data from a Topic Subscription from an IoT device that only supports GET and POST verbs.

Tried to use the X-HTTP-Method to send a DELETE but it seems to fail.


Couldn't find any reference to this in the documentation...

Can someone please confirm if this is supported or not?



Azure Event Hubs Python and JavaScript SDK no longer working?


So I've been using Azure Event Hubs for about a year now via Python, C# and JavaScript. Recently (week and a half), Python and JavaScript stopped working, with post requests returning 40100 unauthorized. Is anyone else having this issue as well? Was there some kind of update in the way you have to send post requests into Azure Event Hubs?

Python Azure SDK:
azure 0.10.2

JavaScript Azure Service Bus SDK

I've tried creating Event Hubs on two separate Azure accounts, @hotmail and a corporate subscription. I've given every access, from Event Hub level send policy, to manage policy, to Service Bus level RootManagedAccess Keys. None of these work.

I just tested this app, and it too is no longer able to send to an Event Hub. It's a connect-the-dots MSDN application for TI Sensor Tags.

I think that Azure PowerShell created Event Hubs are currently working.

Powershell: How to create/Manage Shared Access Policy for a Service Bus queue


Am able to create the queue with the below code,

$queuename = "samplequeue"
$CurrentNamespace = Get-AzureSBNamespace -Name "mynamespace"
$NamespaceManager = [Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager]::CreateFromConnectionString($CurrentNamespace.ConnectionString);
$QueueDescription = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueDescription -ArgumentList $queuename

I am looking for powershell cmdlets to create/ manage Shared Access Policy for a ServiceBus Queue.

Am able to add it from the management portal.

enter image description here

Also tried the below cmdlet,

New-AzureSBAuthorizationRule -Name "readwritepolicy" -Namespace "mynamespace"-Permission $("Send") -EntityName "notsure" -EntityType "Queue"

which gives me the below error,

New-AzureSBAuthorizationRule : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
At line:1 char:1+ New-AzureSBAuthorizationRule -Name "readwritepolicy" -Namespace "mynamespace" ...+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBAuthorizationRule], NullReferenceException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBAuthorizationRuleCommand

Am i doing anything wrong? What is EntityName ?

Invisible subscriptions?



I'm currently experiencing weird subscription count behavior. When looking at topic it has subscription count of 4, but when I try to list all subscriptions list contains only 2 entries. It seems that two or one those subscriptions has the same name as one of the visible subscriptions, because I cannot send any messages to it, but the second visible subscription has no such issue.

It seems that this accrued when I deleted subscription from portal and recreated(used the same name) it from code.

Question - is this a bug or there is some sort of subscription functionality that prevents me from reusing it?


Delete messages from Event Hub


HI Team,

Is there any way to Delete or clean all messages from Event Hub

Event Hubs AMQP connectivity for Java


I'm trying to use AMQP/JMS from Java to an Event Hub but there are no actual examples or docs on how to properly do so. I managed to get it working somewhat by subscribing to a topic of "{eventHubName}/ConsumerGroups/$Default/Partitions/{partitionid}" but the problems is 1) how do we connect to custom consumer groups, 2) how do we specify the starting offset, 3) what type of subscriber should we be using (durable, consumer, etc.), 4) what message acknowledgement mode should we use? I also only start receiving a first batch of messages and then nothing.

Please if you could provide some assistance and examples I'd really appreciate it!!!

500 error returned from NamespaceManager.RevokePublisher() for Event Hubs



I'm trying to call NamespaceManager.RevokePublisher() for my event hub, and the error I'm getting back is:

"The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Resource Conflict Occurred. If this is a retry for failed operation, background clean up is still pending. TrackingId:3d0c897a-a30d-440b-b17b-e333e664e654_G42,TimeStamp:7/8/2015 11:04:22 PM"

I'm also getting the following (similar) error when calling NamespaceManager.RestorePublisher():

"The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict. Resource Conflict Occurred. If this is a retry for failed operation, background clean up is still pending. TrackingId:7294616d-3126-41d5-8aee-f9410bb2ea10_G30,TimeStamp:7/8/2015 11:09:25 PM"

This error has been happening every time I call this for almost 24 hours now, so whatever this "background clean up" operation is, it's not working.  I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.  Have I somehow corrupted my publisher blacklist on my event hub?  Is there a way to correct this without having to recreate the whole event hub (which would cause all my telemetry clients to stop sending data)?.

Future of on premise version of service bus



Does anyone have any insight on whether the on premise version of the service bus will be supported in the foreseeable future? It seems that it hasn't been updated since 2013, even though a yearly update was promised. This gives me the impression this product will overcome the same fate as other on premise products such as App Fabric, i.e. will be discontinued. Would it be smart to use this product for new development? Is there any road map?

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