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Default certificate expired for Enterprise service bus for Windows Server (ESB)

We have been using service bus for windows server 1.1 from a long time. Suddenly we came across a problem where ESB services stopped working and we got to know that the the certificate which was auto generated got expired. We are not able to find a relevant information which will solve our problems. We tried few options but we encountered lot of different issues such as:

1. We are not able to run any command and getting following error:

Certificate requested with thumbprint not found in the certificate store.

2. We thought of reinstalling the ESB but when we try to use "Leave farm" option to uninstall then we are not able to open ESB configuration screen.
Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConfigWizard has stopped working

I have got new certificate imported in local store so can you please tell me how to use this new certificate in ESB(instead of default one)?

I hope we will get rid of all problems if the certificate issue is resolved. We are facing this issue in our non production environment. But this issue is very critical as we don't want to run into similar issue on production so we want to know the solution to update the certificate and also how to renew the existing certificate(for production).

Awaiting your early response.

Thanks in advance,


Receive Messages from Azure Service Bus Topic's Subscription


I'm using micro service using asp.net core web api for one of my large enterprise web application where I'm sending/receiving messages via azure service bus topics which was building for the couple of years ago by using normal framework 4.5 version. Now I'm going to build latest version asp.net core 2.1.For that, I need some best practices and sample code to receive the messages from subscriptions under the topics instantly among the services

There are more than 5 different asp.net web api and asp.net core web api with separate azure SQL server we are maintaining. Each messages needs to be synced asynchronously into those Data bases with in a second when the messages coming to the subscriptions under a topic.

Already I was writing a piece of code to receive the messages from the subscriptions under the particular topics using console application .net framework 4.5 and I have converted the code into .zip file format which is hosted as an individual web jobs in my azure web app.

Kindly find the above details and give me the solution. I'm waiting for your response.

Best regards,



Failed to send the message into the ServiceBus topic subscription by using WindowsAzure.ServiceBus Nuget package from Dynamics 365 custom workflow.

We are trying to send the message into the service bus by using the CRM custom workflow but it is returning a physical crash by giving the error message i.e. the Sync workflow 'Workflow name' terminated with error 'Unexpected exception from <g class="gr_ gr_13 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="13" id="13">plug-in</g> (Execute): ServiceBus_Workflows<g class="gr_ gr_17 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Style replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="17" id="17">.Workflow</g> name: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.'

Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this error?
OR is there any other way to do the same thing?

When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer. Regards, Munavvar Husein

Is there a CORS setting for Azure Service Bus queues?


Hi folks,

I'm writing a web application in javascript. I want to be able to submit messages right to our Service Bus queue from the browser. I've written a middle-man HTTP API server for generating SAS tokens that allows me to submit right to the queue via HTTP. The SAS token and HTTP request work when done via command line, or any other tool for managing API requests, etc. I can't get this to work via browser though because I don't see a way to configure CORS settings anywhere on the Azure Service Bus service.

This would usually suggest to me that I'm going about this wrong and it's not wise to expose this ability right to browsers, despite the SAS feature existing. (Why have SAS if you aren't trying to allow remote users access to the service bus?) Am I supposed to make this submission to service bus part of my middle-man server and proxy through there?


Service Bus Queue user errors



I'm looking at a view of performance metrics of requests and messages passing through an Azure Service Bus Queue.  I'm looking at the User Errors and am wondering how I can drill into those to learn more about them and trace back to their root causes. 

Can someone point me in the right direction for information? 


Azure function takes time to send brokered messages to service bus queue


Hi Team,

I have implemented ones simple functionality to send a brokered message to service bus queue, but when i am verifying the performance of my azure function maximum time takes in sending messages to queue. Can any one help me on this what im doing wrong while sending messages to service bus queue.

my code: 

// objRequest is request recived from http trigger
string queueMessageJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objRequest);
var queueStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queueMessageJson));
BrokeredMessage objBrokeredmsg = new BrokeredMessage(queueStream);
var queueToSendMessage = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(servicebusconnectionstring, "queuename");
queueToSendMessage.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), maxRetryCount: 20);

Can anyone help what i'm doing wrong which takes time to send message to queue.

Service Bus and push notifications to device



         I am researching how a Cloud service app. should work to handle a Service Bus on one side and WebSockets on the other. The app. should react to messages and push them to devices. I am looking for any material on such designs but also how this could scale. It seems that the Bus could scale better than the cloud service app. NumberDevices could grow too. What are the design considerations ?

I don't think we are looking for https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/services/notification-hubs/ ?



Relay - Hybrid connection



Creating new HybridConnectionStream object like below, for every client request thread takes time (~3sec)

var client = new HybridConnectionClient(new Uri(String.Format("sb://{0}/{1}", relayConfiguration.Value.RelayNamespace, relayConfiguration.Value.ConnectionName)), tokenProvider);

HybridConnectionStream relayConnection= await client.CreateConnectionAsync(); --( takes ~3 secs)

Is there any way out to reuse/cache already established HybridConnectionStream to serve all future request of same client or possible to create pool of HybridConnectionStream to cater future client request faster.

Please suggest.

rgds, thiru

reuse azure relay's hybrid connection

Im using azure relay's hybrid connection to connect to on premise resources.

I want to keep the azure hybrid connection open instead of opening a connection each & every time when client makes request as opening hybrid connection consumes time. Is this possible to keep the azure hybrid connection open without closing it? please confirm.
Appreciate your help.

rgds, thiru

Azure function takes time to send brokered messages to service bus queue


Hi Team,

I have implemented ones simple functionality to send a brokered message to service bus queue, but when i am verifying the performance of my azure function maximum time takes in sending messages to queue. Can any one help me on this what im doing wrong while sending messages to service bus queue.

my code: 

// objRequest is request recived from http trigger
string queueMessageJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objRequest);
var queueStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queueMessageJson));
BrokeredMessage objBrokeredmsg = new BrokeredMessage(queueStream);
var queueToSendMessage = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(servicebusconnectionstring, "queuename");
queueToSendMessage.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), maxRetryCount: 20);

Can anyone help what i'm doing wrong which takes time to send message to queue.

Azure Event Hub Not Connecting



I am following this tutorial-  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-python-get-started-send

to send events to my event hub using Python

The connection string of my Event Hub namespace is in the following format


So, in the above mentioned tutorial, I have replaced tutorial I replaced 

ADDRESS with"amqps://mynamespace.servicebus.windows.net/<myeventhub>"

But everytime , I run into errors with the line client.run

'eventhub.pysdk-ANumber': All clients failed to start.

azure.eventhub.common.EventHubError: Unable to open authentication session on connection b'EHSender-anumber-partition0'.
Please confirm target hostname exists: b'eventhubnamespacename.servicebus.windows.net'

I have even tried replacing amqps with sb (as is actually in the connection string but the same error)

Where am I going wrong? 

The request has timed out after 00:00:00 milliseconds when use service bus



I build an Azure Function App to send something to SB, but I got exception like "The request has timed out after 00:00:00 milliseconds", below are the whole stack tree:

2018-12-03T07:51:15.258 [Info] DEBUG | The request has timed out after 00:00:00 milliseconds. The successful completion of the request cannot be determined. Additional queries should be made to determine whether or not the operation has succeeded. For more information on exception types and proper exception handling, please refer to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=761101 System.TimeoutException: The request has timed out after 00:00:00 milliseconds. The successful completion of the request cannot be determined. Additional queries should be made to determine whether or not the operation has succeeded. For more information on exception types and proper exception handling, please refer to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=761101
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProviderHelper.EndGetAccessTokenCore(IAsyncResult result, String& expiresIn, String& audience)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProviderHelper.EndGetAccessTokenByAssertion(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.SharedSecretTokenProvider.OnEndGetToken(IAsyncResult result, DateTime& cacheUntil)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProvider.GetTokenAsyncResult.OnEndTokenProviderCallback(IAsyncResult result, DateTime& cacheUntil)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProvider.GetTokenAsyncResultBase`1.OnCompletion(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.EnumerateSteps(CurrentThreadType state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.TokenProviderUtility.GetMessagingToken(TokenProvider tokenProvider, Uri namespaceAddress, String appliesTo, String action, Boolean bypassCache, TimeSpan timeout)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpMessageCreator.GetAuthorizationToken(String appliesTo, String action)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpMessageCreator.GetAuthorizationHeader(String action)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpMessageCreator.CreateWcfMessageInternal(String action, Object body, Boolean includeToken, String parentLinkId, RetryPolicy policy, TrackingContext trackingContext, RequestInfo requestInfo)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpMessageSender.GetOverheadSize()
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpMessageSender..ctor(String path, SbmpMessagingFactory messagingFactory, SbmpMessageCreator messageCreator, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.CreateSenderLinkSettings..ctor(SbmpMessagingFactory messagingFactory, String entityName, Nullable`1 entityType, String transferDestinationEntityName, RetryPolicy retryPolicy)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Sbmp.SbmpQueueClient.OnBeginCreateSender(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.OpenOnceManagerAsyncResult`1.BeginOperation()
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.SyncContinue(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.OpenOnceManagerAsyncResult`1..ctor(OpenOnceManager openOnceManager, TimeSpan openTimeout, AsyncCallback callback, Object state, Func`3 beginOperation, EndOperation`1 endOperation)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.Begin[T](AsyncCallback callback, Object state, Func`3 beginOperation, Func`2 endOperation)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.BeginCreateSender(TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.EnsureCreateInternalSender()
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.ThrowIfSenderNull(String operationName)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.SendBatch(IEnumerable`1 messages)
   at Microsoft.Practices.TransientFaultHandling.RetryPolicy.<>c__DisplayClass1.<ExecuteAction>b__0()
   at Microsoft.Practices.TransientFaultHandling.RetryPolicy.ExecuteAction[TResult](Func`1 func) Microsoft.ServiceBus: Microsoft.ServiceBus

And here is the code to send message:

var tokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider("ServiceBusKeyName", "ServiceBusSharedAccessKey");
var uri = new Uri(_endpoint);
var queueName = uri.LocalPath.Substring(1);
var address = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);

//prepare data
var data = ...

var factory = MessagingFactory.Create(address, tokenProvider);
var queueClient = factory.CreateQueueClient(queueName);

datas.ForEach(p => _retryPolicy.ExecuteAction(() => queueClient.SendBatch(p)));
I run the code in console app, it works well, but by Azure Function Apps, it always failed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Programatically Create servicebus Queue



I am working on Azure. I need to create Service Bus Queue Programmatically in .Net Core2.1.

Can anyone suggest.


user-specific issue negotiating with service.signalr.net


Sorry if service bus isn't the right forum - I don't see anything that matches better.

We have some users that are unable to negotiate a connection. The connection is immediately closed with 

POST https://[prefix].service.signalr.net/client/negotiate?hub=[hub]&asrs.op=%2F[hub] net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED

On most machines, we get a trace similar to:

Information: Normalizing '/[hub]' to 'https://[prefix].azurewebsites.net/[hub]'.
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Starting HubConnection.
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Starting connection with transfer format 'Text'.
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Sending negotiation request: https://[azurewebsitesHubUrl]/negotiate

WebExtension::executeScript: content script injected

**It gets rerouted to the signalr endpoint**

Utils.ts:177 Debug: Sending negotiation request: https://[prefix].service.signalr.net/client/negotiate?hub=[hub]&asrs.op=%2F[hub]
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Selecting transport 'WebSockets'
Utils.ts:177 Trace: (WebSockets transport) Connecting
Utils.ts:173 Information: WebSocket connected to wss://[prefix].service.signalr.net/client/?hub=[hub]&asrs.op=%2F[hub]&id=[id]&access_token=[access_token]
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Sending handshake request.
Utils.ts:177 Trace: (WebSockets transport) sending data. String data of length 32.
Utils.ts:173 Information: Using HubProtocol 'json'.
Utils.ts:177 Trace: (WebSockets transport) sending data. String data of length 61.
Utils.ts:177 Trace: (WebSockets transport) data received. String data of length 3.
Utils.ts:177 Debug: Server handshake complete.

Users are in the same groups, with the same whitelists/blacklists, and same permissions.

I have checked that 3rd party cookies are enabled in the browser (I saw an article that recommended this).

I'm not really sure what else to check here to get this working universally.

Issue is profile specific. If I log in on their machines, handshake completes successfully. If they log in on mine, it fails.

Edit 2:

It's something in Azure. I think we'll be able to figure it out by comparing accounts. If I log in to Azure with my credentials, on one of the "broken" people's windows sessions, it works - so Azure is forcefully closing the connection. It's nothing to do with Chrome, or their Windows settings. We'll be able to get to the bottom of it. Thanks all.


Does Azure Service Bus with Azure Functions count against brokered connection?



Does Azure Service Bus with Azure Functions binding count against brokered connection?

Need advice on dealing with DeadLetterQueues for Topic Subscriptions


I have a question about suggested strategies for dealing with Dead letter queues for Topic subscriptions.  The situation we have is this:

Our service has a Subscription to a Topic that another team owns and is publishing too.  For that reason, our service has Listen permissions for the Topic (i.e. not Send)

We have "Max Delivery Count" for our Subscription set to 10.  What we observe is that after ten failed attempts to process a message, that message goes to the DeadLetterQueue(DLQ) for our Subscription.  All as expected.

We now want to have a mechanism where we can attempt to re-process the messages on the DLQ, and we are trying to figure out the best strategy for doing so.  

Our initial naive thought(I'll call it "Option A") was to pull the messages from the DLQ, read the values of the message, and then create and publish a new Message to the Topic(and remove that message from the DLQ).   However, this is problematic for a couple of reasons:

1)  We don't have Send permissions to the Topic, so we can't do that right now

2) Even if we could get Send permissions, if we re-published a message to the Topic as a whole, every Subscriber to that topic would have to see and deal with that re-published messages.  This seems inefficient and problematic.  (And yes, we do understand that due to the nature of things, all services do need to be able to handle duplicate messages anyway, but still feels wrong)

We are brainstorming several other options, but I'm curious if Microsoft or others have recommendations or experience dealing with this scenario and could give thoughts and advice.


how to increase size of the epoch at azure


HelloWhat I am supposed to do to increase the size of the epoch ? I get following error:

com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.ReceiverDisconnectedException: New receiver with higher epoch of '1544084492' is created hence current receiver with epoch '1544084474' is getting disconnected. If you are recreating the receiver, make sure a higher epoch is used.

Is this a problem which comes from azure or I have to change something at my test application ? 

Hope I was clear. 

Thank you for your helps.

Need advice on dealing with DeadLetterQueues for Topic Subscriptions


I have a question about suggested strategies for dealing with Dead letter queues for Topic subscriptions.  The situation we have is this:

Our service has a Subscription to a Topic that another team owns and is publishing too.  For that reason, our service has Listen permissions for the Topic (i.e. not Send)

We have "Max Delivery Count" for our Subscription set to 10.  What we observe is that after ten failed attempts to process a message, that message goes to the DeadLetterQueue(DLQ) for our Subscription.  All as expected.

We now want to have a mechanism where we can attempt to re-process the messages on the DLQ, and we are trying to figure out the best strategy for doing so.  

Our initial naive thought(I'll call it "Option A") was to pull the messages from the DLQ, read the values of the message, and then create and publish a new Message to the Topic(and remove that message from the DLQ).   However, this is problematic for a couple of reasons:

1)  We don't have Send permissions to the Topic, so we can't do that right now

2) Even if we could get Send permissions, if we re-published a message to the Topic as a whole, every Subscriber to that topic would have to see and deal with that re-published messages.  This seems inefficient and problematic.  (And yes, we do understand that due to the nature of things, all services do need to be able to handle duplicate messages anyway, but still feels wrong)

We are brainstorming several other options, but I'm curious if Microsoft or others have recommendations or experience dealing with this scenario and could give thoughts and advice.


DevOps Linux or Powershell or something else?


I am trying to get into DevOps. 

Is linux necessary for DevOps or can I do it with powershell etc. ?

I need to know this from some expert since I have to invest time in this and I have no clue .


usher A

Service Bus Sessions


As per the below document, it is saying that "To realize a first-in, first-out (FIFO) guarantee in Service Bus, use sessions" . So if in a queue, we are not enabling the Sessions, we can not access messages in FIFO manner? If yes then in which order messages can be accessed?

Document link :


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