we noticed a very strange problem in Service Bus 1.1 for Windows.
If token provider is created with specific NetworkCredential, and password ends with ++, like "MyPassword123++", then error is returned in subsequent use of the provider:
The token provider was unable to provide a security token while accessing 'https://<my server>:9355/<myns>/$STS/OAuth/'. Token provider returned message: '<Error><Code>401</Code><Detail>The user name or password is incorrect...
The error is the same for TokenProvider.CreateOAuthTokenProvider and TokenProvider.CreateWindowsTokenProvider (only endpoint address changes).
User could successfully login into computer using "MyPassword123++".
If I change user's password to something else, like "MyPassword123", it works fine.
Is it a know issue? What can be the reason?
PS. It looks like any password with + does not work. TokenProvider uses space instead.