Batch Sending Messages
Issue using MQTT and Device SDKs with IoT Hub
FromTùng Xuân @lxuntng1 via Twitter
I'm trying use mqtt and I can't use device SDKs (…)
It can't connect to iot hub
We provided:
@AzureSupport I got it, but I can't use your module follow the document. When I tried mqtt module but I can't use SAS as password feild
Can you give me a sample as follow link…
Sending messages through a proxy
service bus returns NoContent upsides having stored messages
Using C# and the Rest API for consuming my azure service bus queue, I'm launching batches of async Tasks...
But I notice that several times the Peek-Lock returns NoContent (No message) when there are still several messages stored in the queue!!!
Why? Is this just a service bus configuration issue?
Returning NoContent when several messages are available isn't what I expect and that is going to reduces consumption performance a lot... Any tips?
I also notice that I don't get a FIFO behaviour.
Thanks in advance.
Azure Service Bus support for DNX - DotNetCore 1
Yet, not all the functionality you can create via REST like client callback and so on.
Any thoughts as when would we have something in preview? Let us know if we have TAP program available ? May be internal like super hot source!
Looking for concept for service bus
i need a basic concept about what does means service bus ?
what kind of purpose service bus solved and when people use service bus. please discuss the utility of service bus with example and scenario.
what is azure service bus ?
how azure service bus is different from normal service bus?
can we write our own small service to develop. looking for hint.
Service Bus for Windows server - subscriptions with a large number of filters (100+)
I have a set of classes to be subscribed to messages from service bus topic. All of that classes wants to receive only certain message types, for example:
public class MySubscriber : IBusSubscriber, IConsume<ItemCreated>, IConsume<ItemUpdated> { public void Consume(ItemCreated message) { /* processing */ } public void Consume(ItemUpdated message) { /* processing */ } }
For each of subscriber classes I create subscription with set of rules to filter messages. To MySubscriber it would be subscription named MySubscriber and two rules with SqlFilters inside:
"MessageType = 'ItemCreated'""MessageType = 'ItemUpdated'"
I fill MessageType as message property on publishing and it's working fine. But if amount of such rules became to growth (for example one of report subscribers require about 130 rules) it becomesvery slow. Even without lots of messages, only one such report subscriber receives only about 1 message per second.
Can it be speed up somehow? Or maybe there is another way to implement it that avoids creating so many filters?
Azure Service Bus Emulator
I am developing a WebJob, which use service bus queue, but I don't have Azure account
Exists some emulator to test the webjob ?
I need to take queue input to simulate the [ServiceBusTrigger]regards
Leandro Tuttini
MVP Profile
Buenos Aires
Event Hubs - is there a way to obtain the IP address of the device sending the message?
I am posting to an Azure Event Hub using HTTPS. Is there a way to obtain the IP address of the sending device?
I looked at the IEventProcessor and EventData APIs (e.g., and there doesn't seem to be anything documented.
Azure Service Bus Relay: MEX Endpoint Error 500
I have exposed a Biztalk 2013 R2 Orchestration via a WCF service using the Biztalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard with a Sevice Bus endpoint.
I can see that the IIS WCF Application has established the relay links via the Azure management portal and I can invoke the RelayEndpoint however the MexEndpoint is always returning error 500 when trying to add a Service Reference in Visual Studio:
<Error><Code>500</Code><Detail>TrackingId:3624fb4d-5c92-4f9a-b9d3-6c1b85fb960d_G50, Timestamp:3/23/2016 12:29:25 PM</Detail></Error>
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://<servicepoint_URL>_Orchestrations.svc?xsd=xsd2'.
Any ideas, what could be causing this?
iot hub https endpoint proxying
So I have a cellular modem that absolutely hates doing SSL with the azure-devices HTTPS port. SSL connections to the MQTT port work fine but the HTTPS port fails to complete handshaking (manufacturer still looking into it).
But ignoring that, is there anything wrong if I put a reverse proxy in front of the azure-devices host for HTTPS?
I have done so now and it is working fine. IoT Hub in any case will just seeing data coming from a single IP from a few thousand devices.
But my other concern is in a few years when another SSL cipher suite is deprecated, that suddenly my few thousand devices are absolutely useless because Azure disabled it. And these devices are going to be in the middle of nowhere and not easily updated.
A reverse proxy would isolate me from any https protocol changes upstream and even allow me to create a self-sign cert valid for the next 40 years or so. (Because I wouldn't be verifying certs anyway due to Microsoft's really short certificate expiration so at least there's some trust in having internal certs only).
Can we use metricResourceUri in azure VM scale sets to point to a service bus queue length directly?
Question from @abbasi_z via Twitter:
Can we use metricResourceUri in azure VM scale sets to point to a service bus queue length directly? Trying to scale vm on queue length. Using custom perf counters at the moment. Not using worker roles as using V2 VNET.
namespaceManager Connection Issues
Using precise code from following article:
(https ://azure .microsoft .com/en-us/documentation/articles/service-bus-dotnet-how-to-use-queues/)
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(ConnectionString); if (!namespaceManager.TopicExists(TopicName)) { namespaceManager.CreateTopic(TopicName); }
1. Namespace created? Check
2. Shared Access Policy created w/ Manage permissions for Namespace? Check
3. Latest stable WindowsAzure.ServiceBus Library (3.1.5) installed via NuGet? Check
4. Using ConnectionString copied straight from Service Bus Management portal? Check
Still, when trying to access .CreateTopic or .CreateQueue method of namespaceManager e.g.
.CreateQueue("test"); .CreateTopic("test");
this is the result:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled HResult=-2147024891 Message=The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Manage claim is required for this operation. TrackingId:9283035b-1ef8-45ba-b54b-04ff8e593660_G26,TimeStamp:3/24/2016 8:58:01 PM Source=Microsoft.ServiceBus
I've tried restarting the Machine. All Updates. Deleting & Recreating SB Namespace. Using a ConnectionString w/ SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey (i.e. explicit/implicit manage permissions)...
No Joy.
I've tried creating a Topic & a Queue within the Namespace via classic management portal to see if namespaceManager could read from Namespace with
this is the result:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled HResult=-2147024891 Message=The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Manage claim is required for this operation. TrackingId:593e2f03-c2bc-418f-b337-ab5331a16729_G15,TimeStamp:3/24/2016 9:44:28 PM Source=Microsoft.ServiceBus StackTrace: Server stack trace: Exception rethrown at [0]: at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result) at Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.EndGetTopics(IAsyncResult result) at Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.GetTopics()
Are Event Hubs and IoT Hubs compliant with HIPAA?
I see here that Service Bus is HIPAA compliant and I would like to know whether that also covers Event Hubs and IoT Hubs. I know that Event Hubs and IoT Hubs are both built on top of Service Bus, but I also notice that Notification Hub is called out separately, which is also built on Service Bus, which makes me wonder if Event Hub and IoT Hub should also be called out separately or if they aren't compliant yet.
Are Event Hub and IoT Hub HIPAA compliant?
Connect Raspberry pi and Azure iot hub or event hub
Hi everyone,
I have a raspberry pi which installed raspabian. Now I want to send data from my raspberry pi to Azure Iot hub or event hub by using MQTT.
I see that there is no sdk for python now, can I use C library instead? And can you give me some example of using C library in raspberry pi to connect Azure?
Thanks so much.
Issue: Vulnerability in Microsoft Service Bus Could Allow Denial of Service (2972621)
I'm currently working for a client on a large project in Norway, and we are experiencing DOS problems using AMQP protocol for sending messages to Service Bus Server 1.1 for Windows Server.
Every 1-3 days, our client get's a denial of service while connecting to the Service Bus through AMPQ (port 5671). A restart of the SBFarm solves the problem. So that would indicate that somehow the IP that they are sending from gets "blacklisted" in the Service Bus process, and that the "blacklist" is reset after restart of the services. When this issue occurs, we do not see any error-logs on this on the Service Bus server, but our partner gets "Connection refused error" when they try so send messages to port 5671, and they are not able to telnet port 5671 anymore. Locally we are able to telnet 5671 and we are able to send messages to the queues.
Our partner is using a AMQP library referenced in this article (QPID):
The client uses dynamic ports to send packets to the Service Bus.
The following link shows a relevant patch that should solve this known vulnerability:
We have installed this patch, but we still experience random DOS on inbound AMQP to Service Bus. I've checked that the relevant DLL's (according to the link posted above) have the correct versions and that KB2972621 is installed on the environment.
About server side environment:
Windows Server 2012 R2
Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server
About client side environment:
Oracle WebLogic Server
Apache QPID messaging API
Authentication from client to server through local AD (username, password), stored server certificate on client side.
We are really stuck on this issue, and would appriciate any suggestions or information that might be relevant to the issue we are experiencing.
Run a simple C sample on Intel Edison
Hi all , I am trying to connect a intel Edison to IOT hub as to documentation on Azure at Git
it says to
Navigate to: ~/cmake/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp
but this folder have nothing to run
I found a .c file of it in azure-iot-sdks/c/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp
but it says I don't have permission , and I try it with gcc command but it says :
gcc ./iothub_client_sample_amqp.cthub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp# ./iothub_client_sample_amqp.c:7:27: fatal error: iothub_client.h: No such file or directory #include "iothub_client.h" ^ compilation terminated. cd \@pe3iot:~/azure-iot-sdks/c/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp#
but in cmaker folder, I have iothub client folder , I have run
$ ./
$ ./
successfully and copy to lib ,
my cmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
root@pe3iot:~# cmake --version
cmake version 3.4.0
root@pe3iot:~# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.9.1
have tried Updated instructions too at
make all file changes it says but I was unable to run "make -f makefile.linux" with error
make: makefile.linux: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'makefile.linux'. Stop.
I notice that Documentation on Edison rarely updated (or any , don't starters deserve more support ?)
Thanks in Advance
Need some help with Azure IoT Suite.
I've used Azure IoT Suite to create a remote monitoring solution.To my understanding all it does is it provisions the workloads in the Azure for you with your Azure account.
First, is there a visual to showcase the architecture/map of the workloads created? Secondly, i saw using the dashboard i can add devices. Where is the device info held in case i manually want to edit the records?
Is there any SDK available for receiving the messages from IoT hub to devices concept?
I am working on internet of things technology, in one of my project I have used an IoT hub for sending the messages to hub, for that I used the SDK as Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client its working fine, but I want to receive the messages from IoT hub to device for that I don't know which SDK suitable and which class is suitable for these concept.
I think for console application has an SDK like Microsoft.Azure.Devices,its working only in console application but not in universal apps.
Please tell me is there any SDK available for receiving the messages from IoT hub to devices and tell me how to write the code for these concept in Universal windows application using C# language.
Retrieve connection strings and primary key Azure Event Hub
I have created Azure Service Bus namespace,queue and event hub and the respective authorization rules using ARM template. Now I want to retrieve the connection string and the primary keys using Azure PowerShell without using the ServiceBus.dll.
Is it possible?
As a temporary work around I have created a dummy ARM template which returns the connection string and primary key.
{"$schema": "","contentVersion": "","parameters": {"serviceBusNamespace": {"type": "string","minLength": 1,"metadata": {"description": "The name of the service bus namespace to create." } },"resourceName": {"type": "string","minLength": 1,"metadata": {"description": "The name of the resource to be retreived." } },"resourceType": {"type": "string","minLength": 1,"allowedValues": ["queues","eventhubs" ],"metadata": {"description": "The type of the resource" } },"policy": {"type": "string","minLength": 1,"defaultValue": "ManagePolicy","allowedValues": ["ManagePolicy","SendPolicy","ListenPolicy" ],"metadata": {"description": "The type of the resource" } } },"variables": { },"resources": [ ],"outputs": {"connectionString": {"type": "string","value": "[listKeys(resourceId(concat('Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/',parameters('resourceType'),'/authorizationRules'),parameters('serviceBusNamespace'),parameters('resourceName'),parameters('policy')),'2015-08-01').primaryConnectionString]" },"primaryKey": {"type": "string","value": "[listKeys(resourceId(concat('Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/',parameters('resourceType'),'/authorizationRules'),parameters('serviceBusNamespace'),parameters('resourceName'),parameters('policy')),'2015-08-01').primaryKey]" } } }Is it a way to go temporarily?