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ServiceBus client app is not connecting with Service Bus 1.1


We have a Service Bus 1.1 farm (3 servers) installed on our test and production server. When we are trying to create a client app with Service Bus DLL version 2.1.30521 it connects with test environment but fails for production with an error:

 Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingCommunicationException was unhandled

  Message=Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'DNS3xxxxx' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim 'DNSAAA'. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity 'DNSAAA' as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy. 

The certificate contains Subject Alternative Names:

DNSName = DNS1xxxxx

DNSName = DNS2xxxxx

DNSName = DNS3xxxxx


Same way it is configured for test enviornment with subject alternative names as:


DNSName = DNS1-Testxxxxx

DNSName = DNS2-Testxxxxx

DNSName = DNS3-Testxxxxx

Everything works fine when we are using ServiceBus dll version  2.1.30907.0 for both Test and Production farm.

I am sorry if above explanation is not detailed.

Can someone please help on this issue.

Thanks & Regards,

Kunal Abrol

Error in Azure IoT hub Receiver


I copy pasted the code available in the getting started tutorial. I am able to get messages to IoT hub (the quota can show that). However, I am not receiving anything when I create the receiver.

Any thoughts?

High Availability for Service Bus 1.1 Queues through Load Balancer


Service Bus can be configured for HA by creating farm of minimum 3 node ring as per documentation. Therefore we will end up with multiple Service Bus Gateway addresses. It then becomes the responsibility of clients to switch between these addresses if one of the address fails.

My scenario involves using BizTalk 2013 sb-messaging adapter as client to SB queues. The out of box setting allows me to input just one address. I'm not sure if BizTalk handles this.

How can I address this limitation? Do I append all addresses of SB gateways in single connection string?

Or do I put SB far behind a load balancer? (but then we still are stuck with single point of failure of load balancer)

Or do I configure DNS round robin to specify fallback IP address and use just one of the SB gateway address?

Anyone else who encountered and handled this?


Device to IOT HUB Real Time communication



We are planning to use IOT HUB where we need real time communication between device to cloud. Could you please answer whether the device to cloud communication is real time or there is chances of delay in communication.Let say, If I send 100 messages and are they will processed in real time or will be some delay.How many message out of 100 will be delivered in real time.

IOT HUB Real Time communication



I am planning to use IOT HUB where we need real time communication between device to cloud. Could you please answer whether the device to cloud communication is real time or there is chances of delay in communication.Let say, If I send 100 messages and are they will processed in real time or will be some delay.How many message out of 100 will be delivered in real time.

Unsurmountable Cost to Kick the Tires - Azure IoT Suite


It only costs $725 to simply kick the tires and check out theRemote Monitoring sample of AZ IoT Suite! 

Am I reading this right?  Please help me understand.

When you go to azureiotsuite.com and you add a new Remote Monitoring suite, here is the list of services it spins up (and I added the pricing for these as of today):

  • $0        - Azure IoT Hub (1 high-frequency unit)  Free for 8000 msgs
  • $69.19 - Azure Stream Analytics (3 streaming units) 
  • $50      - Azure DocumentDB (1 S2 instance) 
  • $.06     - Azure Storage (1 GRS standard, 1 LRS standard, 1 RA-GRS standard) $pennies
  • $595.20 - Azure App Services (2 S1 instances, 2 P1 instances)
  • $11.16   - Azure Event Hub (1 basic throughput unit)  $11.16


~$725!  wooo!  That is $725 to prototype keeping track of the temperature with your Arduino in your living room, folks.

This is the most expensive exploration/trial in a software service I think I've ever seen in my career (ok, maybe not... there's also Xamarin :) ).  Surely I've misunderstood something here.  Watching BUILD and related video all about Azure IoT this week, I heard repeatedly, "it's all about the developers" - meaning, MS loves devs tinkering because it leads to experience and familiarity when it comes time to build real solutions at work. Want me to come to work and pitch platform choices with MS experience under my belt, or some competitor?

 I don't think I need to even begin to explain how Azure IoT is 100% unreachable to tinkering devs. (assuming the above is correct).

need to change a key on an event hub policy to a specific on


From @BestSeatMusicvia Twitter

 @AzureSupport I need to change a key on an event hub policy to a specific one (not random). Is this possible?

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/BestSeatMusic/status/716607803641696257




Event Hub resource group?


Hi All,

we would like to use the new cool feature in Azure Audit Log (Export logs to Storage Account and Event Hub) but the event hub export configuration requires a resource group? Where can we find this information since event hub is only configurable in the old portal without resource groups?



Azure Active Directory: Provisioning failed error


From Chris @chriswry via Twitter
@AzureSupport I tried several times to create Remote monitoring on Azure IoT Suite. Provisioning failed > Azure Active Directory

I'm trying to create the Remote monitoring architecture in the Azure IoT Suite. Provisioning fails and there is a warning icon at Provisioning states: Azure Active Directory.


Thiene Schmidt

How can i resolve the issue like when i was trying to receiving the messages from iot hub to devices at the time i was getting receivedMessage as null?



I am Working on IoT technology, in one of my project I want scenario like receiving the messages from cloud(IoT hub) to devices, so for that concept I have wrote below lines of code but it will always give null value.

 private static async void ReceiveC2dAsync()
            Debug.WriteLine("\nReceiving cloud to device messages from service");
            while (true)
                Message receivedMessage = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync();
                if (receivedMessage == null)
                //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Debug.WriteLine("Received message: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receivedMessage.GetBytes()));
                await deviceClient.CompleteAsync(receivedMessage);

in the above code i was always getting receivedMessage as null.

Please tell me how to resolve this issue.



Socket Connection Abborted error?


From @ruffeo via Twitter:

need some help getting the service bus message to work. Socket connection aborted error.  Any thoughts?




I am new to Azure and i am trying to setup an SBNamespace.

I have followed this tutorial: http://blog.atwork.at/post/2015/04/20/Using-Azure-ServiceBus-for-Debugging-SharePoint-2013-Apps-with-Remote-Event-Receiver-Part-1.aspx

However, when i am trying to run this command in the Powershell i get the following error:

PS C:\Users\James> New-AzureSBNamespace -Name "ldssharepoint" -CreateACSNamespace $True -NamespaceType Messaging -Location "West Europe"
New-AzureSBNamespace : <string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/">Request to a downlevel service failed.</string>
At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureSBNamespace -Name "ldssharepoint" -CreateACSNamespace $True  ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBNamespace], CloudException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBNamespaceCommand

I have done a lot of searching, and also tried difference variations of the command but i still get the same error?



Best practise for my iot webhooks


Dear community. 

I have iot devices and they can communicate with azure via webhook ( function app ) 

I have this scenario, When one of my devices trigger a webhook i want the function app to accossiate the ID that is in the webhook with a user in SQL, meaning this id is stored in sql aswell and refferenced to the user. 

There will also be an email address for this user, and all new triggers from the webhook should be emailed to this user. I have managed to setup a function app and it can recive my webhook now i need help with the following. 

  1. What resourced will be needed for me to be able to store this event in to SQL and on trigger send a email to accossiated users. as i know of is an function app that can get the webhook and a sql server, but what would be my next step?
  2.  In the function app i can write code. would best practise to store the new event in sql be to write queries right there? 

I dont mind to read tutorial or webhelp etc but in this stage i dont know exactly what i need to accomplis what i want and since there are so overhelmingly much to learn in Azure i wouldent mind some help by choosing what components i need. Then i can start to read about just those. 



LockToken expires before LockUntilUtc time in azure service bus


Hi Forum Members,

I am using windows azure service bus for messaging. We have created web api to pull the messages from service bus. Mobile app is using this web api for getting messages. We are using PeekLock mode in subscription client and the lockduration is 5 minutes.

On client side if messages takes more than 5 minute to process then message will unlock. So before it unlock we want to renew the Lock. So we have created another web api to renew the lock. In web api we are passing the LockToken. But when we use subscriptionClient.RenewMessageLockAsync(new Guid(lockToken)), it throws error "The lock supplied is invalid. Either the lock expired, or the message has already been removed from the queue" before the Lock expiration time. We are initiating the renew lock before 1.5 min of message LockUntilUtc time.

My question here is can we renew the message lock before it expirytime? And if yes then why azure service bus throwing lock expired error? Please help me to understand this renew lock things.

Dinesh Rawat Sr. Software Consultant Windows Phone-WinRT-Silverlight MCTS Silverlight

[Help] Connect an electronic devide to cloud for data reading, remote control, updates...



I don't know if this is the correct forum for this topic, sorry if not...

I have a customer that produces electronic devices and we developed a desktop application to connect a PC to one of these devices using serial port (USB). The aim of the application is to read and write device configuration. The communication between PC and device is made with a protocol designed by the customer. This protocol is based on bytes and it has 3 parts: header (10 bytes with sesion info, command,...), length (2 bytes) and data (length bytes). Maximum length is 1000 bytes, so when you need to read/write more data bytes the information is divided in several data frames. In this communication the PC is the master, so when the PC sends a command the device does the work and replies with some data. The device doesn't send data on its own, only synchronization data frames. For example, to read information this is the protocol:

  1. UI >>> Device: Read data (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [1 byte: subcommand byte] = 13 bytes)
  2. UI <<< Device: Data lengh, for example 3456 (header + length + data [5 bytes: subcommand byte, length 4 bytes] = 17 bytes)
  3. UI >>> Device: Accept length (header + length + data [1 byte: subcommand byte] = 13 bytes)
  4. UI <<< Device: Data sending (first 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  5. UI <<< Device: Data sending (next 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  6. UI <<< Device: Data sending (next 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  7. UI <<< Device: Data sending (last 459 data bytes) (header + length + data [460 bytes: subcommand byte, data 459 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  8. UI <<< Device: Finish OK (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [2 bytes: subcommand byte, ok byte] = 14 bytes)
  9. UI >>> Device: Finish OK (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [2 bytes: subcommand byte, ok byte] = 14 bytes)

I explained this to get an idea how the communication, device and PC work. And I have to say that this protocol can't change, I have to work with this.

Then the customer added a system to the device to connect it to the internet, so storing the IP address on the cloud and doing some changes in the application (using ASP.NET Identity for login), now we are able to connect the PC and the device through the internet. And this is posible without changing the protocol. In this case, first, you login with ASP.NET Identity account to get all available devices (and IPs) and then you connect to specific device using sockets. Remote control is done!

Now we have another goal: instead of direct connection between PC and device, we want to use Azure in the middle. In this case we want to use Azure to save historic data on the data base, control all changes made by users. The communication would be like this (using the same protocol):

UI >>> Azure >>> Device

UI <<< Azure <<< Device

Also we want to read some data from all connected devices every few minutes without user activity to monitor devices states (alarms, logs, energy consumption...). 

I don't know if I explained very well all these things, if you don't understand I can try to explain in other way.

After that, this is my question: what Azure services/features can help me in these tasks? I know that there are a lot of ways and services (workers, jobs, virtual machines, IoT services,...) but I don't know them in deep. I suppose that there are more services that I didn't hear about. I want to know what would be the architecture that I should use.

Thanks in advance,


Re-Enqueue Service Bus Message to try again



I already asked this question on the WebJobs SDK GitHub repository (https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/issues/691#issuecomment-206434500), but they could not help me, so I hope you can :)

I am building an Azure WebJob that processes orders that come in via a ServiceBus. It might happen, though, that the order system is not available when the message arrives. Therefore, I would like to abandon the message lock and make it available for processing at a later point in time. The problem is, however, that the message is made available again immediately - I would like to have an exponential backoff, though.

So, do you know of a way to implement something like "AbandonWithDelay(TimeSpan)" which abandons the lock and makes the message available again after the given TimeSpan?

Thanks for any help :)


data composition/enrichment/lookup concept in azure service bus



We are assessing Azure Service Bus in our firm for improving how our systems exchange data and prevent data coupling. The service is really cool and already nicely integrated in some Azure Service such CRM Dynamics for example.

However, I find really little information about real life scenario about data composition/lookup and if a best practice exists. 


  1. From Dynamics CRM Online, when an entity is updated, we send a message to Azure Bus notifying our reporting system (SQL) and our collaboration (sharepoint custom web) that something happened.
  2. In CRM online, users are referenced by GUID, in reporting system user are currently referenced by SAP ID and in sharepoint, it's email/claims.
  3. All these lookup information exists in an SQL table.

from my opinion, publisher should send message to a generic Azure service bus queue, which depending of some rules (logic apps ?) enrich the message and then send it in a azure service bus topic and finally the message have all required information ?

I see "out of the box" solution, but it seems to be targeted on biztalk and not on azure service bus.


I would be really interested in any hint/best practises/real life scenario.


Are Event Hubs and IoT Hubs compliant with HIPAA?


I see here that Service Bus is HIPAA compliant and I would like to know whether that also covers Event Hubs and IoT Hubs. I know that Event Hubs and IoT Hubs are both built on top of Service Bus, but I also notice that Notification Hub is called out separately, which is also built on Service Bus, which makes me wonder if Event Hub and IoT Hub should also be called out separately or if they aren't compliant yet.

Are Event Hub and IoT Hub HIPAA compliant?

Questions about IoT Gateway SDK


From @Jalzadevvia Twitter

Customer is responding to blogpost:msft.it/6016Bi3jo

@Azure "businesses need to connect older devices and need an intermediate device to help" Its my case, more info about dev mgmt and gateway?We provided:aka.ms/d671256

@AzureSupport But what about Azure IoT Gateway SDK?





Run a simple C sample on Intel Edison


Hi all , I am trying to connect a intel Edison to IOT hub as to documentation on Azure at Git 


it says to

Navigate to: ~/cmake/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp



but this folder have nothing to run

I found a .c file of it in  azure-iot-sdks/c/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp

but it says I don't have permission , and I try it with gcc command but it says :

gcc ./iothub_client_sample_amqp.cthub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp#
./iothub_client_sample_amqp.c:7:27: fatal error: iothub_client.h: No such file or directory
 #include "iothub_client.h"
compilation terminated.
cd \@pe3iot:~/azure-iot-sdks/c/iothub_client/samples/iothub_client_sample_amqp#

but in cmaker folder, I have iothub client folder , I have run

$ ./build_proton.sh
$ ./build.sh

successfully and copy libqpid-proton.so.2 to lib ,

my cmaker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

root@pe3iot:~# cmake --version
cmake version 3.4.0


root@pe3iot:~# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 

have tried Updated instructions too at


make all file changes it says but I was unable to run "make -f makefile.linux" with error

make: makefile.linux: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'makefile.linux'.  Stop.

I notice that Documentation on Edison rarely updated (or any , don't starters deserve more support ?)

Thanks in Advance

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