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Azure IoT Suite Failed to Provision IoT Remote Maintenance Demo


I'm trying to provision a remote maintenance demo at https://www.azureiotsuite.com/#.  It fails, with the following error.

I'm using US East server

"Error converting datatype varchar to int"


Service Bus for Windows service 1.1 accessing errors


I have several windows services instances accessing its own namespaces in same one service bus host. But lately most of services start getting strange errors when trying to work with service bus (the first point where each service goes when it is starting is creating a topic for itself). But I still able to access same namespace manually with the very same connection sting via servicebus explorer.

I see several errors in event viewer like:


Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingEntityAlreadyExistsException:The remote server returned an error:(409)Conflict.SubCode=40900.Conflict.TrackingId:357526f0-1635-4e16-bcf0-d1c963d65184_GWIN-NKD9IS8A8GG,TimeStamp:4/8/201610:07:59 AM --->System.Net.WebException:The remote server returned an error:(409)Conflict.
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.ServiceBusResourceOperations.CreateOrUpdateAsyncResult`1.<GetAsyncSteps>b__14(CreateOrUpdateAsyncResult`1 thisPtr,IAsyncResult r)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.StepCallback(IAsyncResult result)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at AFT.RegoV2.RegoBus.Bus.WindowsServiceBus.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<EnsureTopicExists>b__0() in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent3\work\218e2fa0847c410\RegoBus\Bus\WindowsServiceBus.cs:line 263
   at AFT.RegoV2.Shared.Synchronizatio...

But I am 100% sure that there is no topics in that namespace. I checked connection string, checked namespace, removed it manually before it and so on.

Next one is:

SecurityTokenService warning:System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalServerDownException:The server could not be contacted.--->System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapException:The LDAP server is unavailable.
   at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.Connect()
   at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequestHelper(DirectoryRequest request,Int32& messageID)
   at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request,TimeSpan requestTimeout)
   at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.ReadServerConfig(String serverName,ServerProperties& properties)---End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.ReadServerConfig(String serverName,ServerProperties& properties)
   at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext.DoServerVerifyAndPropRetrieval()
   at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext..ctor(ContextType contextType,String name,String container,ContextOptions options,String userName,String password)
   at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext..ctor(ContextType contextType)
   at Microsoft.Cloud.ServiceBus.Common.Security.SecurityExtensions.IsDomainController()
   at Microsoft.Cloud.ServiceBus.Common.Security.SecurityExtensions.TryOrDefault[T](Func`1 func, Boolean trace)

But strange thing that I can take the connection string from log or debug and connect to service bus via Servicebus Explorer freely. And at the same time service is not able to connect using the very same string.

And third one is:

TrackingId: f5bb8bfe-a5c2-4b86-b982-4beaca4defba,SubsystemId:NoSystemTracker,Gateway:Management resource manifest is marked as broken.Details:Cleanup:SetState='Broken'for1 resources

I tried google all of them, tried all receipts that I could find but still no luck. in specifics i tried:

-) restart servicebus farm

-) reboot entire server where servicebus is installed

-) remove and create namespace manually and with our deploy scripts

-) tried both oauth and win ways of authentication

-) both available transport types (amqp and netmessaging)

Code which services use to create topic:

using(var scope =CustomTransactionScope.GetTransactionSuppressedScope()){
    _syncService.Execute("WindowsServiceBus_"+ topicName,()=>{var namespaceManager =GetNamespaceManager();if(!namespaceManager.TopicExists(topicName)){var topicDescription =newTopicDescription(topicName);

_syncService is just a way to ensure that this method will be executed in one thread only for each topic

Any advice is very appreciated.

Resource groups


Hello Community. 

I dont understand resource groups and i have a hard time to google any concrete information about it. 

  1. Anyone have a link or can explain exactly what it is and what it do? 
  2. If i have a service bus with a event hub and some analyzt going on that saves to SQL and some more do they all need to exist on the same resource group? I can see that for every resource i create a "default" resource groups is created aswell. I created my own resource group and added them all to that one instead, but im not sure thats a good thing? 




get namespace rest api


I was following this section.


I can create namespace and delete namespcae,but I can't get namespace.

It returned 403 Forbidden.

I don't know what the authentication it needs. and what the contents of header need to put.

I do it like create method, but it return 400 bad request.

How can I do?

Thank you.

Receiving data from Event Hub suddenly stops when using HTTP ConnectivityMode



receiving data from Event Hub stops after a while when the following conditions are met:

- messages contain lots of fields (e.g. 38 field including an array)
- using ConnectivityMode.Http

ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.Http;

Data rate is about 1 message / second.

Same results when using ConnectivityMode.AutoDetect and client falls back to useHTTP because of firewall.

If ConnectivityMode is set to TCP, then there is no problem, it is stable (with the very same code). It is very confusing as it works for a while but then it stops (after a few seconds to 70 minutes). The easiest way to reproduce is processing lots of accumulated messages from the Event Hub without checkpoints. It stops after 10-30 records.

The issue can be reproduced 100%, using both EventHubClient andEventProcessorHost.

Using the latest available Azure libraries:

Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.EventProcessorHost v2.1.5
WindowsAzure.ServiceBus v3.1.7

Tried to change TransportType to both Amqp andNetMessaging but same results.

Tried displaying hidden internal exceptions via EventProcessorOptions.ExceptionReceived, but nothing relevant raises (mostly Task cancelled exceptions).

Tried changing different parameters in EventProcessorOptions (e.g. MaxBatchSize, PrefetchCount).

Tried to increase EventHub Throughput Units, same results.

Tried to run it from different hosts, it can be reproduced on all of them.

Tried to create event hub in a different region, same results.

If message fields are reduced to e.g. 5 or I set ConnectivityMode.Tcp it works properly. There is nothing in the documentation about limitations.

Any more idea? Is it some rare bug in Azure lib?




Hi -

We have workflow manager 1.0(CU2) and service bus 1.1)(CU2) installed on a  Win2k8R2 On-premise SharePoint 2013 farm. Workflow manager has been  installed on 3 SharePoint servers  in App layer .

Issue: We are observing intermittent errors like below in the event log on any of workflow server and it is happening in Pre-prod and Prod too . When this happens, the current workflow suspends and re-triggers a duplicate workflow for the same instance which resulting data corruption with duplicate instance as per our application functionality design . 

Error message :

Log Name:      Microsoft-ServiceBus/Operational
Source:        Microsoft-ServiceBus
Date:          08/04/2016 06:19:57
Event ID:      30504
Task Category: (35030)
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Broker
User:          ********
Computer:      ********
SQL command processing error. Database info: Instance\DatabaseName. Exception: command text: [dbo].[SetEntityMetadataUpdateFlag], exception =Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Messaging.Broker.EntityLockLostException: Failed to lock entity WORKFLOWDEFAULTNAMESPACE:TOPIC:SHAREPOINT/DEFAULT/4BAA12BD-3139-4CE4-8F01-283A20041834/A79489F2-7AC9-4FAD-BC88-8E0F34C7E3C6/WFTOPIC with the specified epoch 210. The current epoch is 211.
   at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Messaging.Broker.Sql.StoreUtilities.ValidateSqlResult(SqlDataReader reader, String entityName, SqlContainerLocation containerLocation)
   at Microsoft.Cloud.ServiceBus.Common.Sql.SqlStoreAsyncResult.SqlCommandAsyncResultCallback(IAsyncResult result). TrackingId: f9367ea2-7a17-4fb4-affc-9fa484a7bee1_Bpruswivproecm6, SubsystemId: NoSystemTracker.

Any insights on this error would be greatly appreciated . 

Regards , Riaz.

How to resolve the issue as when I receiving the messages from IoT hub at that time any of the IoT device will be turn off then I did not get any messages from IoT Hub, just UWP app will be open but not displaying any values from IoT Hub.



I am Working on Internet of things, in one of my current project I need to receive the messages from IoT Hub, before I receiving the messages from IoT Hub, first I was sending messages from Two IoT devices to IoT hub. after I was sent messages to IoT hub then I am trying to receive the messages from IoT hub, in this scenario one my IoT device will be turn off, at this time I did not get any  messages from IoT hub.

But if two IoT devices are working properly then only I got the messages from IoT Hub.

see the below code.

publicasyncvoid ReceiveDataFromCloud()



           ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder builder =newServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder(ConnectionString);

           builder.TransportType = ppatierno.AzureSBLite.Messaging.TransportType.Amqp;


           factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(ConnectionString);


           client = factory.CreateEventHubClient(eventHubEntity);

           group = client.GetDefaultConsumerGroup();


           startingDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;


           for (int i = 0; i <= 0; i++)



EventHubReceiver receiver = group.CreateReceiver(i.ToString(), startingDateTimeUtc);


               EventData data = receiver.Receive();--à this line of code will give the data value when I connected to one IoT device but when I connected to two IoT devices the data will not give any value just it will stop the debugging.


               if (data !=null)


                   var receiveddata =Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.GetBytes());


                   var messageString =JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ConferenceRooms>(receiveddata);




                   //var message = new ConferenceRooms(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(receiveddata));


                   Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", data.PartitionKey, data.EnqueuedTimeUtc.ToLocalTime(),Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.GetBytes()));












           progressring.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

           progressring.IsActive = false;


Please tell me how to resolve this issue?

Thanks & Regards

G. Pradeep Kumar Reddy

how to get sas connectionstring of sbnamespace(notification hub type) rest api



I got the response body with acs connectionstring

but what I want is sas connectionstring

how can I get it?

or is there other way to get sas connection string programmatically without through the Azure panel?

thank you

Post Processing of Event Hub events: What's the best way to design an "event post processing pipeline"?


After an Event Hub has received an event, I want to design a "consumer" that will pass the event object through a pipeline of custom processing functions ...the last module would write the post-processed event to a Azure Table or Azure SQL Database. I want these pipelines to be easily extended, composable and performant.   ...kind of like a PowerShell pipeline for Event Hub Events.

Azure Data Factory does part of this but as far as I've been able to determine, Data Factory doesn't have native support for reading events in an Event Hub ...you need to write a custom Event Hub receiver/consumer that would first write the events to some sort of Azure Storage (which seems wasteful when the events have already been persisted in an Event Hub).  Another option would be to write a custom DotNetActivity for Data Factory but I don't want to do this when Data Factory should have its own native supported for reading from an Event Hub.

Stream Analytics would be another option. The service understands Event Hub data but it seems like overkill and I haven't been able to determine if it supports something similar to custom DotNetActivities.

Any ideas for an Event Hub post-processing pipeline that is lightweight, easily extended, easily composable and performant?

Best regards,

Michael Herman (Toronto)

Xpert Search Agents for Microsoft web sites: http://www.parallelspace.net/MicrodeX

Message expires after one day on azure service bus



I have a Topic and subscription on windows azure service bus. I have 10-12 messages on Topic. I am using peek-lock method when pulling messages from service bus using subscription client. I am not updating messages as complete on service bus. When I pulls the messages again on next day or after two days the messages are gone from Topic. Even I tried to add new message and pulled those and read their properties TimeToLeave property indicates after 14 days. I don't know what is wrong with the messages. Why its deleting from server automatically. If anyone have faced this issue or  knows some troubleshoot then please reply on this.

Dinesh Rawat Sr. Software Consultant Windows Phone-WinRT-Silverlight MCTS Silverlight

Azure Java SDK for Event Hubs


Hello everyone

The 0.7.0 Azure SDK incl ServiceBus for Java doesn't include Event Hubs.  Can I get an ETA from MS please?

In the mean time, does anyone have a working alternative Java example connecting and streaming into Event Hubs?

Best regards

Keith Marsh

Facing issue while pushing data into Event hub via Telco Generator



I was trying to implement the sample provided for Stream Analytics using Event hub. But I am facing issue while I am trying to push the data into Event hub. I have used sample code provided for Telco generator.  Error I am getting is as :A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

and stack trace is as:

Server stack trace:

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.ExceptionDispatcher.Throw(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult`1.End(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.AmqpMessagingFactory.EndOpenEntity(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.AmqpMessageSender.EndCreateLink(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.FaultTolerantObject`1.CreateAsyncResult.<GetAsyncSteps>b__4(CreateAsyncResult thisPtr, IAsyncResult r)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.StepCallback(IAsyncResult result)

Exception rethrown at [1]:
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.ExceptionDispatcher.Throw(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult`1.End(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.FaultTolerantObject`1.OnEndCreateInstance(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SingletonManager`1.EndGetInstance(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Amqp.AmqpMessageSender.OnEndOpen(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.ClientEntity.EndOpen(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.OnEndCreateInstance(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.SingletonManager`1.EndGetInstance(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.EndOpen(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.OpenOnceManagerAsyncResult`1.OpenComplete(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.AsyncCompletionWrapperCallback(IAsyncResult result)

Exception rethrown at [2]:
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.ExceptionDispatcher.Throw(Exception exception)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.AsyncResult.End[TAsyncResult](IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.OpenOnceManagerAsyncResult`1.End(IAsyncResult result, T& output)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.OpenOnceManager.End(IAsyncResult result)
   at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessageSender.EndSendEventData(IAsyncResult result)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)

I have provided correct  Event hub name and correct connection string as:



Earlier I thought it is a network related issue and proxy server is restricting me to access it via .NET application hence I have added following lines in config file, yet I am facing issue:

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
      <proxy proxyaddress="http://proxyserverurl:port" bypassonlocal="True"/>

I have tried all the combination for this but no luck. how will I resolve this issue

Thanks, Manthan Upadhyay

Which is the secure way of reading the data from the Azure IoT hub?



I am working on internet of things, in one of my current project I am reading the data from Azure IoT hub in a Windows 10 UWP app, where I am passing my IoT Hub connection string to azure while reading data( using Cloud to Device concept).

Is it secure/fine way or not reading data from a client app.



Event Hubs - is there a way to obtain the IP address of the device sending the message?


I am posting to an Azure Event Hub using HTTPS. Is there a way to obtain the IP address of the sending device?  

I looked at the IEventProcessor and EventData APIs (e.g. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/microsoft.servicebus.messaging.eventdata.aspx), and there doesn't seem to be anything documented.

[Help] Connect an electronic devide to cloud for data reading, remote control, updates...



I don't know if this is the correct forum for this topic, sorry if not...

I have a customer that produces electronic devices and we developed a desktop application to connect a PC to one of these devices using serial port (USB). The aim of the application is to read and write device configuration. The communication between PC and device is made with a protocol designed by the customer. This protocol is based on bytes and it has 3 parts: header (10 bytes with sesion info, command,...), length (2 bytes) and data (length bytes). Maximum length is 1000 bytes, so when you need to read/write more data bytes the information is divided in several data frames. In this communication the PC is the master, so when the PC sends a command the device does the work and replies with some data. The device doesn't send data on its own, only synchronization data frames. For example, to read information this is the protocol:

  1. UI >>> Device: Read data (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [1 byte: subcommand byte] = 13 bytes)
  2. UI <<< Device: Data lengh, for example 3456 (header + length + data [5 bytes: subcommand byte, length 4 bytes] = 17 bytes)
  3. UI >>> Device: Accept length (header + length + data [1 byte: subcommand byte] = 13 bytes)
  4. UI <<< Device: Data sending (first 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  5. UI <<< Device: Data sending (next 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  6. UI <<< Device: Data sending (next 999 data bytes) (header + length + data [1000 bytes: subcommand byte, data 999 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  7. UI <<< Device: Data sending (last 459 data bytes) (header + length + data [460 bytes: subcommand byte, data 459 bytes] = 1012 bytes)
  8. UI <<< Device: Finish OK (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [2 bytes: subcommand byte, ok byte] = 14 bytes)
  9. UI >>> Device: Finish OK (header [10 bytes] + length [2 bytes] + data [2 bytes: subcommand byte, ok byte] = 14 bytes)

I explained this to get an idea how the communication, device and PC work. And I have to say that this protocol can't change, I have to work with this.

Then the customer added a system to the device to connect it to the internet, so storing the IP address on the cloud and doing some changes in the application (using ASP.NET Identity for login), now we are able to connect the PC and the device through the internet. And this is posible without changing the protocol. In this case, first, you login with ASP.NET Identity account to get all available devices (and IPs) and then you connect to specific device using sockets. Remote control is done!

Now we have another goal: instead of direct connection between PC and device, we want to use Azure in the middle. In this case we want to use Azure to save historic data on the data base, control all changes made by users. The communication would be like this (using the same protocol):

UI >>> Azure >>> Device

UI <<< Azure <<< Device

Also we want to read some data from all connected devices every few minutes without user activity to monitor devices states (alarms, logs, energy consumption...). 

I don't know if I explained very well all these things, if you don't understand I can try to explain in other way.

After that, this is my question: what Azure services/features can help me in these tasks? I know that there are a lot of ways and services (workers, jobs, virtual machines, IoT services,...) but I don't know them in deep. I suppose that there are more services that I didn't hear about. I want to know what would be the architecture that I should use.

Thanks in advance,


Dead Lettering Messages


We have dead lettering enabled for set of queues. But we have a requirement to either delete specific messages from dead letter queue or not dead letter them at all after TTL due to Legal Obligations. Since we have more than hundred thousand subscriptions in a namespace, we are ruling out the option of creating receivers on each dead letter queue and delete them.

Is there any way to not dead-letter specific messages even though topic has dead-lettering enabled? Is there any other way to address this requirement?

Facing issue while pushing data into Event hub via Telco Generator


I am trying to implement the eventgen sample provided for hdinsight-storm using Event hub in java.
It gives me this error "org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.client.ConnectionException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect"

So I tried to set the connectivity mode.
But I get "SystemBusEnvironment can not be resolved to variable" error even after adding the required jars.

I know the alternate way by opening the port.
How can I achieve this by setting connectivity mode.

State of the art relative to JSON namespacing and JSON schema?


First, my apologies if this isn't the correct forum.  There don't appear to be any Microsoft forums for discussing JSON.

I would very much appreciate it if you could reply with a couple links to get me pointed in the right direction.

I have a need to come up to speed on the current state of the art related to JSON namespacing and JSON schema.

Thank you,

Michael Herman (Toronto)

Xpert Search Agents for Microsoft web sites: http://www.parallelspace.net/MicrodeX

Azure Active Directory: Provisioning failed error


From Chris @chriswry via Twitter
@AzureSupport I tried several times to create Remote monitoring on Azure IoT Suite. Provisioning failed > Azure Active Directory

I'm trying to create the Remote monitoring architecture in the Azure IoT Suite. Provisioning fails and there is a warning icon at Provisioning states: Azure Active Directory.


Thiene Schmidt

HDinsight Storm Examples - Connection time out issue with Event Generator Code



I am trying to run the HDinsight Storm Examples provided in link https://github.com/hdinsight/hdinsight-storm-examples/tree/master/IotExample

I have set up/ installed all the pre-requisites mentioned in the readme.md file that is:

  1. Java 1.7/1.8 SDK.
  2. Maven 3.x - If you have M2_HOME configured, the examples should detect your mvn automatically.
  3. Latest version of Azure Powershell (0.8.13 or later).

I am running Event Generator code from this link and trying to push the data into EventHub, but every time I am getting below error:

Exception in creating senders:org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.client.ConnectionException:java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

This might be because of the TCP port blocked in my network for machine on which I am running this code, hence I have opened the port 9350 to 9354 to make sure it work, but even after that I am facing the same issue.

Also, as an alternate I know we can change Service Bus Environment to Http from TCP. I know how to do it in .NET that is ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.Http;

But i don't know how to do it in Java. I have tried searching ServiceBusEnvironmentclass after installing Azure Java SDK but I am unable to find it and hence bcoz of this I am not able to change the environment of the run time.

So how can we change/ set the ServiceBusEnvironment in Java and which package I need to import in my project to make sure I can set it up correctly.

Thanks, Manthan Upadhyay

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